The man with the broken smile

A lack of time and thoughts prevent me from posting something here. But fair to say this captures my respect for SRK.
Now’s a good time to get my hero back, Mr Khan. I’m breaking my heart over you.

Life & Stories

All praise the king, all hail the king,
shower your love and bring the wishes.
Sing to the man your love,
the man who grew up without any riches.

Half a decade ago a star was born. Not the cosmic kind but the man who would grow up to be Shah Rukh Khan. On his 52nd birthday, let’s celebrate the man worthy of a celebration.

Being a Bollywood crazy country it’s quite common to see friends bicker among themselves about their favorite star/actor. The 3 Khans take the cake when it comes to capturing the market share of people’s hearts. The debates range from who’s the better actor to who’s less of a wussy. Now while everyone is entitled to their opinion, SRK beats everyone without even breaking a sweat.

I’ll tell you why a huge bunch of people revere the man that is Shahrukh Khan. Bollywood has come…

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